Exciting Heart of God

"But who wants to boast, let boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; indeed, these things I delight, saith the LORD. "Jeremiah 9: 24

Jeremiah 9: 23-26

Exciting Heart of God - In his book The Purpose Driven Life are very famous, Pdt. Rick Warren said: "If today we get to know God better than yesterday, we can be categorized people who successfully run alive." I had time to reflect on Rev. opinion. Rick Warren is quite old, and raised the question himself: "why is so simple?" But after I meditate on His Word in Jeremiah that we're reading, I had to understand the opinion of Pdt. Rick Warren.

We know with certainty, that the purpose God created us is to please Him. Therefore, Jeremiah gives a warning to us about the secret of pleasing God. There are three secret things pleasing to God:

Let us rely on the Source of Life Blessing, instead of relying on the blessing itself. (9:23) We know clearly, the facts can never be used due to the source of our life assurance. The wisest man in the world of King Solomon, finally realized the futility of his life. American president is the one who most get security protection guarantee number one in the world. But many of them were shot (JF P. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, etc.), and there are 10 richest people in America at the end of his life is very sad.

Let our lives more and more to know God from day to day. Many Christians diligently read the Word of God even took theology school, they know a lot about the Word of God, but they are many who fail to know God. God favored our introduction to him than just know His Word or even clever pass it. (9:24)

Obey the Word of God as we understand the shape of his Word. There is a difference between knowing, know and understand. I know and know my wife, but I do not necessarily understand my wife to do what she likes, and to avoid undesirable by it. By understanding the plan and will of God, we can avoid punishment. (9: 25-26; Matthew 7: 21-23)
Inspiration: Do you often want to understand God or trying to better understand God?

Moment of Inspiration.

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