Giving, What Provided?

Giving, What Provided? - Luke 6: 37-38

Give and you shall be given: A good measure, compacted, which is shaken and spilled out ... (Luke 6: 38)

In a flight, a leader in the executive chair, approached his men, who were in the rear (bench economy). He gave up his seat to a subordinate who had never enjoyed what he feels / special facilities such. This makes subordinates flattered and motivated.

Giving is usually associated with the object. We're easy to give if: the item in large quantities, we do not like the item, we do not require that goods or goods cheap / used. Give (something) that "normal" is not difficult, but it gives something "special" is certainly not easy.

Nats today we are not talking just giving objects, but also services, or other things. In the arena of life "opportunity" is always hotly contested, are we willing to give "a chance" to others (position / leadership, tender business, promotion, etc.). Ideally answer should be yes, but in reality it takes practice and sincerity. One of the sin nature of man is individualistic, in many cases this is one reason people find it difficult to give.

In the life and the world of work, provide means to reduce ours. The problem is it true by giving ours must be reduced? It is whatever belongs to us, it is not "belong / belongs to" us alone, we are merely stewards of God's grace. God's law says: "Give and you shall be given" this is certainly done according to the mandate it. The more we resist the temptation to give, the more you will feel far from the reality of the promise of His word. Humanly may be difficult to give yourself especially if we really need it. But if we are willing to give according to their ability, then God is able to satisfy our need with an abundance of His blessing. God never slack concerning His promise.

Motivation: Let us continue to learn to give (anything that we can provide), then our faith will be strengthened and promises more of His blessings we enjoy.

Moment of Inspiration.

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