Live With Me

"Do not become a slave of money and be satisfied with what you have, because God has said:" I'm never going to leave you and I will never leave you. "

Hebrews 13: 1-8

Live With Me - One of the highlight of the football season in the UK each year is the final match of the FA Cup championship. For more than 100 years, the day was marked by excitement, revelry, and competition. But what fascinated us is how the game starts. The game was started by singing traditional hymns entitled Abide With Me (Live With Me).

At first it felt strange. What is the relationship between these hymns with football? But when I rethink that, as followers of Christ, meaning that hymn is closely connected with the sport, even shopping, work, school, or whatever we do. Because none of the aspects of our life that is not affected by the presence of God. Thus, the desire that he stay with us actually be the most natural thing that we should want. Of course, the presence of our Heavenly Father is not something that we need to ask in advance by whining, but has been promised to us. In Hebrews 13: 5, we read: For God has said: "I'm never going to leave you and I will never leave you."

Not only the presence of God to be the key for the satisfaction of our souls, but his participation is also a promise that can give us wisdom, peace, comfort and strength wherever we are or whatever we are doing. Thank God because you walk with us every day. You are the protector, friend and guiding us. Presumably we feel the presence of Thy loving it and always be aware that you are close beside us. Amen.

Inspiration: the greatest privilege we as Christians are enjoying the presence of Christ.

Moment of Inspiration.

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