Acts 11: 19-30
Remain Faithful To God - The word "Christian" is only used three times in the NT (11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16). This term originally meant a servant or follower of Christ. Now it has become a generic term which lost its original meaning. This word should refer to the name of the Redeemer (Rom. 3:24), the idea of an intimate relationship with Christ (Rom 8: 38-39) and thoughts that we accept Him as our Lord (Rm.5: 1) and the source of eternal salvation (Heb. 5: 9). Claims to be "Christian" means Christ and His Word has become a major power and the only source of our hope for the future (Col. 1: 5.27).
We know a pastor who once wrote a book entitled, "The more cleared, the vine," roughly that may be in the lift on the development of the early church, where we know that they have been abused outstanding in order to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. It also shows the quality of faith for someone who chooses to continue to believe in Christ when abused or suffer for the truth, or choose to bear the "cross".
When meeting and getting to know our brothers are experiencing persecution and suffering for his faith in Christ as fellow believers we must strive to convey words of encouragement or advice so he persisted. This is done by the church in Jerusalem, by sending Barnabas to deliver a statement of faith in the believers in Antioch. Barnabas faith statement that "that they remain faithful to the Lord," this makes the church at Antioch became strong in the Lord. In Antioch, those who believe in Christ are called "Christian" means very deep.
Inspiration: Let the meaning of Christianity we do not change when we face the challenge and difficulty, and we choose to remain faithful to God even though it was difficult.
Moment of Inspiration.
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