Jonah in the belly of a fish

Read : Jonah 1: 8-17

The Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. (Jonah 1:17)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Exodus 35-37

Jonah in the belly of a fish - With his greatness, God provided a great fish to save the life of Jonah. Many people reject this miracle, and regard it as a mere illusion. But in 1933, on the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, was arrested a blue whale. Length 30 meters, width of mouth 3.5 meters. This type of whale has 4 rooms in the stomach. In his head there is a sinus cavity enlargement as storage space excellent air, measuring 2.7 x 2.7 x 5.4 meters. When the fish is swallowing something that causes a headache, he would swim to the nearest beach and regurgitate swallowed objects. The existence of this whale Jonah shows that miracles were possible.

The story of Jonah depicts Israel's disobedience and also the contemporary church as God's people. They should have all gone "swallowed up" times. However, because of the mercy and faithfulness of God, His people still continue to exist until today. In fact, the people of Israel and Christians often fail to be a servant of God who reveals the truth and his love for the world. However, God never fails to preserve his people, and remain faithful to realize his plan and call for us all. "Therefore, continue working out your salvation with fear and trembling ... it is God who works in you, both to will and to do for His good pleasure ... so you shine among them like stars in the world" (Phil. 2: 12-15). -SST
We often fail in with Christ, but he never failed to help us be His witnesses.

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