Touching Leper

Read: Mark 1: 40-45

Then moved with his compassion. He reached out his hand and touched the man and said to him, "I am willing, be cleansed." (Mark 1:41)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Galatians 1-3

Touching Leper - Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease in which nerve damage nerves, skin, limbs, and eyes, and can be deadly. First sufferers shunned by society. They are considered unclean socially, as well as ritual-not worth participate worship. Complete. Garbage is sesampah-trash. Where no sane person willing cheek by jowl with them?

Therefore, the action of Jesus in the leper is truly heartwarming. She welcomed him with open. May understand how complicated the struggle pursued by the person to see him. And, He was moved with compassion. He could have cured him of far-lived said, holding up a hand, just held out a stick, or a flick of his cloak. No. Jesus chose to touch the leper was first-yes, first touch the unclean trash it-and then heal (v. 41). Not vice versa. With that, Jesus was doing at least two things: not only heal, he also restore the dignity of the human person. No wonder people were overflowing with joy and could not help but tell about his goodness (v. 45).

Today, let us particularly remember the doctors and health workers who serve the sick. Presumably they looked on Jesus, the Great Physician, and radiates his compassion in their work. And, for those who are sick, they would experience his touch that restore them.-ARS
Jesus not only heals our diseases, but also restore the dignity of our humanity.

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