How Big Helas

"But to you who hear me, I say: Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. "Luke 6: 27-36

How Big Helas - Jesus taught his disciples, and the most surprising that they should love
their enemies; people who hate them.

I guess this is the part that is not easy to do by His disciples. Word
"Love" is derived from the word "agape" {have affection for ...) is the emphasis in this passage because it was written up three times by Jesus (vv. 27,32,35) and in the form of 'present, active. So the disciples should love people hostile to them 'now' and actively love it should be declared.

Wow ... An exceptional command; command that demands humility of the students to do every day. Ask the blessing those who curse is not something easy, but when we already have that love, then it can be done in our lives.

Pray for those who mistreat us, I think it's a little heavy for normal humans. The other cheek to slap the other cheek after being slapped, it is impossible for me; if necessary, I am not slap him back. However, once again, for the love that then I have to do what the Lord Jesus commanded.

And the most amazing is that all of the above has been done by Jesus Christ himself since he was arrested until his death on the cross.

As an ordinary person would not be easy for us to love people
curse us, abused us, against us, etc. But as children of God, we must love them with the love of God, love love is, love does not expect a reply.

How much love we can see the extent to which we forgive and love those who curse, revile and hostile to us.

Inspiration: Lord Jesus, help me to start today I was able to love others
cursed, abused and hostile to me.

Moment of Inspiration.

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