Ambition and Humility

"I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 18: 3

Ambition and Humility - Is it wrong if we have ambitions? Of course not. It is not wrong to have ambition. It is wrong if we have selfish ambitions. The problem is not our ambition, but often we let pride take control of our ambitions and do not let humility that control it.

Jesus said, who is humble as this little child, the one who has God's kingdom. "(Matthew 18: 4). Jesus challenged them to have a real greatness with examples of small children. Jesus spoke to his disciples that selfish by using the example of a small child who must depend on others. The desire to win alone would be misleading you. As if with so you will get immediately what you want, but in the long run will give the opposite effect and you will lose everything.

The nature of children is dependent on others, parents or other adults in their environment. All the children feel comfortable with such an arrangement. Our attitude to God should also like that, which is dependent on Him. He is where we ask, ask anything. Such a relationship that is desired by God. Jesus said that people who depend ask the person to whom he is dependent. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall receive; knock and the door will be opened to you. "(Matthew 7: 7) Ask, Depend on God. Jesus said that choosing to have an attitude may depend not occur without a change, "unless you change and become like little children." (Matthew 18: 3). Humility means changing choose from at will itself be dependent on God.

Inspiration: "Give yourselves to greater ambition, of God's plan - a plan that starts from dependency as children."

Moment of Inspiration.

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