Joy Believer

"You have given joy to me, more than they, when they were an abundance of grain and wine" - Psalm 4: 8

Psalm 4: 1-9

Joy Believer - Many people think, a billionaire certainly always happy and excited in his life. In other words, money that the source of her excitement. What if suddenly all vanished fortune and disappear instantly? A father tells his experience when his house burned. Everything was engulfed in flames, except for himself, his wife and children. He was grateful and rejoice survived. Such times, there is no thought, except life and perhaps the valuables that can be secured. What is clear here that the joy in the Lord exceeds the value of any material wealth. Even the joy of the believer does not depend on the situation on the outside but from within his heart. Dalama verse 8, visible contrast between the joy of the (inward) and external (outward). The first comes from God, the second is a product of the pleasures of the world (Kidner).

Allen Ross, an interpreter, explains, "True joy and peace depend not on circumstances but on God's protection and provisions (joy and true peace does not depend on the situation but on the protection and care of God). The joy that comes from above instead of joy conditional - if the (conditional) but unconditional - even if (unconditional). Of course, if we are blessed with wealth or success, there must be joy. But what if we are dealing with a defeat, a failure? Are there any joy in our hearts? Lot was a man blessed with wealth, but he lost his joy when she had lost his wife, because too loves his property (cf. Genesis 19). He has stuck to the pleasure of the material, not spiritual joy. The joy of heaven, which is also the fruit of the Holy Spirit, relate to quality, while the earthly joy always deal with the quantity.

Motivation: A passions believers exceed the unsaved.

Moment of Inspiration.

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