John 1:1-18
He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world knew him not. (John 1:10).
Celebrate Christmas, Know Christ - A Jewish woman with a restaurant on the Lake of Tiberias was asked, "are you as an Israel surely feel so thankful ya because Jesus himself never being here isn't it? Means you very know Jesus and trust him right? " Spontaneous smiling cynically he said, "No. I don't believe in Him."
Yet another with a man of the Jews, who are so good at explaining the various Biblical data about Jesus. La was asked by a tourist, "you are so wonderful to master the Bible record about Jesus. It also means that you are a Christian, huh? " With a smile, he said: "I am not a Christian. But as a guide I have to know the Bible in order to give the correct information. This is my profession. " Already obviously Jesus was there but they don't want to believe it. True what John is saying that the people of Israel itself did not know Jesus.
A lot of people in this world have heard and know about Christmas, but alas they do not know Christ. They know that Christmas is the feast of the Christian religion. The two terms are similar but not the same, namely: know and recognize. So there are two kinds of people: the first, very eloquent and masterful tales of Christmas, but have not experienced God's love and plan of God in his life. In Viet Nam, which is known, are not Christians celebrate Christmas as well. They display Christmas trees in hotels and malls. This name found out about Jesus but does not know who Jesus is. The second, private Lord Jesus Christ knows. Know means having relationships personally with Christ as his Savior and Lord in person. They understand that la is a God the creator and owner of all things, and he had willingly came to earth because love sinners. Believers have the joy and hope.
Inspiration: Christianity is not just a religion but we are talking about the real presence of Christ in daily life.
Moment of Inspiration.
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