God Is Not The Enemy

Read: Romans 5: 1-11

For while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly men at the appointed time by God. (Romans 5: 6)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
1 Peter 1-2

God Is Not The Enemy - Be on unfriendly terms (Javanese: hostile, talking to each other) can be made small children or big man, in the short or long term. In fact, we may be on unfriendly terms with God! When God looks disappoint us, this was the most tempting to be on unfriendly terms with him, is not it? In fact, when once God against us, our lives must be ruined.

Paul would indicate that we are His beloved, since we were still sinners. Christ willing to die for us while we were still sinners (v. 6). Especially now after we receive salvation and justified by Him! Makes sense right? When dirty just cherished him, especially now after clean. When we are still ungodly be defended with the blood and lives, especially after we serve His children.

If there is a problem in life, it is not rooted in God as love. We are the ones who often underestimate his grace. Paul wanted to "sting" the Romans that God is aware of that justification should be followed up in the life of the faithful in fact, in the context of their daily lives. Including when in it people see the misery of life. Misery should not make us afraid to face life. Misfortune should not tempt us to silence and hostile to God. Why? Are not we are the target of love since we first dirty and ungodly? Cuisine now when we have been justified, God will let us fight alone? -DKL
God's love never fails is a source of hope in the midst of adversity.

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