Ended in Grave?

Read: John 19: 38-42

Because it was the preparation of the Jews, while the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there. (John 19:42)

A year Bible reading:
Judges 10-11

Ended in Grave? - After burying a member of the church, we stopped in a new tomb. A few weeks earlier, a girl of twenty years buried there. One might think what a poor thing the girl. However, those who knew him would tell you with joy.

The girl was born in a non-Christian families. He was seriously ill for years. Then a team from our church served him so that he believed Jesus. He remains sore, but always cheerful. He died peacefully. Her parents were so impressed with the faith of their daughter so a few weeks later, they asked that opened the postal services in their homes. They want to learn about the Bible.

When Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus bury Jesus, the disciples thought Jesus story is over. All teaching and his miraculous signs during this time will be memorable. The cemetery was swallowed all their expectations. They do not realize God is working behind it all. He was like a weaver who has set a perfect pattern. Humans do not always understand him. Even when He did not seem to do anything, in fact he was working. He was fulfilling His plan for the salvation of mankind.

Whether you're feeling God is silent and does not do anything in your life? Do you feel everything has ended and there is no hope? Keep believing in Him and learn to understand His plan: He would always have the best for you. -HT
Even in silence and stillness, God is at work.

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