Praise and Exams

Read: Job 23: 1-17

Because he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Exodus 20-22

Praise and Exams - Job received the praise of God as pious and upright, fearing God and avoids evil, no one on earth like him. Afterward, he suffered a severe test. All that he-cattle, donkeys, goats, sheep, camels, including guards-consumed. His ten children died on the same day. Hearing this, Job bow down and worship God. In all, he did not sin and do not accuse God do less worthy (1: 20-22).

After the exam, Ayub received praise both from God, as those who persevere in his righteousness, though the devil has persuaded God against him to destroy him without reason (2: 3). Job then receive the test again, overwritten sore boils from the sole of the foot unto his crown (2: 7), even his wife told him to curse God and die (2: 9). In all this, Job did not sin with his lips (2:10). Finally the Lord restored Job state, giving him double of all that he had previously and subsequently blessed Job in his life more than his former (42: 10,12).

There are times when we receive praise and there are times when we receive the exam. In this cycle, behind the praise there must be a test, and behind the exam must be praise. What we receive today? When we are praised, remain humble. When we tested, still persist in the faith. -IN
Praise be encouraging; Exam purify faith

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