Thieves Little Money

Read: Proverbs 11: 1-2

A false balance is abomination to the Lord, but he will deign proper weights. (Proverbs 11: 1)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Philippians 1-4

Thieves Little Money - A colleague treated me lunch at a fancy restaurant. After paying, he smiled and said, "The thief little money." I'm curious. Apparently, the change is rounded down by the cashier. Not how it is, just a few rupiah. Most of us think that sort of thing is common. However, my colleague argues, it is not worth it. If it had to be done, it would be nice if the cashier asks permission first.

At first glance seem ludicrous attitude my colleague. However, if observed carefully, the cashier did wrong deeds. A customer has the right to receive the money back in full, without deduction of the rupiah. If the seller can not give the money back in full, for reasons no small money, for example, he needs to notify the buyer. If not, the actual seller is taking the right customers.

In everyday life, whoever we are, let us give what the rights of others intact. God testifying of weights right (v. 1). In trade, profits are important, but why make a profit in vain (v. 18). In any case, it is better to give than reduce, let alone eliminate the rights of others. Do not be afraid depleted to give. Instead, be happy if it had to give. Because his word said, "Who are many blessings, given the abundance, who provides water, he will himself be refreshed" (v. 25) .- OKS
We have become accustomed, asking what our part. Have we give, what becomes part of someone else?

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