Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone from it, twisted it, then the forehead of the Philistines, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell with his face to the ground. (1 Samuel 17:49)
A year Bible reading:
Judges 1-2
In Seconds Count - Mike Tyson was known as a tough fighter and great in his day. Although not a boxing fan, I could see how ferociously Si Neck Concrete. However, I was disappointed when I saw the match on television. The battle, which I think will be very exciting, it only lasts a few seconds.
The fight Mike Tyson reminds me of the battle of David against Goliath. I imagined how the crowd around the battlefield expecting the exciting battle between Israel and whiz whiz Philistines. However, estimates and expectations they missed because the battle was over in seconds. Did not take long for slippery rock played by David shot, and then penetrate into Goliath's forehead so that Goliath fell with his face to the ground. David also did not waste time to immediately kill Goliath with beheaded him (v. 51). Circumstances turned around. The Israelites gain confidence and fighting spirit of those who had disappeared because of the emergence of Goliath.
Can any of us who are anxious, scared, or feel life is especially hard for a living? Defer your decision to give up. Cry out to Him and ask Him for help. When God's own act, believe that the situation can be turned around, even in a matter of seconds! Person who was with David when knocking down Goliath, could reverse the situation of our lives for the better. -GHJ
David was the key to victory in the presence of God, not the greatness of him.
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