Players, not Audience

"Because I think, God gave us, the apostles, the lowest place, just as people who have been sentenced to death, because we have become a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men."

1 Corinthians 4: 9-16

Players, not Audience - A servant of the Lord asks: "Is the most noble job and the most important thing in this world?" The answer is to serve God. Do everything that glorifies God, including bringing people to Christ, is a work of eternal worth. But strangely, in the eyes of the world (those who do not believe), this work is something contemptible. This is the conclusion of Paul. In fact he termed, that the world, even the angels, like the audience who continue to observe even keep an eye on what people believe. People who serve God willingly put themselves in the lowest position in the strata of society. Jesus himself has shown a very real example. He himself the Son of God, but let himself mocked, persecuted, and hung on the cross who despised it.

In an execution, the prisoners were taken to the place of execution and there they become a spectacle many people. If due to a mistake and violation, then the penalty is something logical. What if people do something good and noble, but it is considered wrong? According to the logic perspective, it makes no sense not? Can the world be prosecuted because the true blame and justify wrong? On the cross, Jesus did not lead it. Instead he just said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34). All the attitudes and behavior of the world understood as the result of ignorance. If so how? Work continues. Like Noah, he was ridiculed and criticized even considered a freak, he kept building the ark, so the people who serve.

In a game, sometimes the audience feel smarter and better than the players. One little immediately denounced, but what if the audience down and become a player? Let's learn to Paul, ran the road continues until the end of the line, no matter what anyone says. Everything is only accountable to God who called it.

Inspiration: Do what is right in the world that is not true there must be highlighted. Truth and untruth will never be harmonious.

Moment of Inspiration.

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