Servant of the Truth

Romans 6: 15-23
You have been set free from sin, and become servants of righteousness. (Romans 6:12)

Servant of the Truth - I am the one who gave himself down the powerful control over his life, namely his master. He is a man who obey his master to do what his master wants. Servant also means surrendering control down something that can master such as money or anger. Everyone, including Christians can only be controlled by money and anger.

God's word speaks of a servant of the truth which may mean that we surrender ourselves to the truth. Truth be our master and we must obey him. For us to be servants of the truth then we have to take the decision to no longer willing slaves to sin. In Romans 6: 6 says, "because we know that our old self was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin."

Servant of the truth is a person who can prove themselves do not make mistakes. He was just like a defendant who was released by the court because it is not proven offenses as alleged. Could we prove ourselves free from error? Yes, because the justification (justification) that God had done is the basis of our righteousness. Thus, in righteousness (sanctification) should be the identity of our lifetime.

Simply put, the owner of our lives changed. God has redeemed us from the bondage of sin and makes us slaves of righteousness. We are no longer controlled by sin, our old owner. We are becoming a servant of the Truth. And ... "When you have done everything that is assigned to you, you shall say: We are the servants were useless; we just do what is not useful; we just do what we should do. "(Luke 17:10)

Inspiration: There are a servant obedient and disobedient slave. Including servants are you?

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