Free from the Torah

Romans 7: 1-12

But now we have been released from the law, because we have died for him, confining us, so we now serve in a new state according to the Spirit and not in a state of long according to the letter of the law. (Romans 7: 6)

Free from the Torah - Through wedding picture, Paul explains three benefits dead to the law. First, we are freed from the Law so that we belong to Christ (Romans 7: 4a). As His, we are bound to him forever. When a girl who took the decision to get married then he is free from a relationship with another man and is bound only to her husband by marriage vows until death separates them. Our attachment to Christ is more than that because it was not even death can separate us from Him. In Christ we may have the opportunity to please God by grace and not because of our ability the law.

Secondly, to bear fruit to God (Romans 7: 4b). A marriage is faithfulness and love. Jesus loves us and faithful to us. It is the nature of God is not in doubt. Instead that actually need to ponder is: Are you faithful to Christ and not having an affair with the world and all desires? Do you also love Christ to give all your life to Him? If not, remember the blood shed because of His love for us and that he remained faithful even if we are not faithful to Him. Pray that God will enable us to love and be faithful to Him constantly.

Thirdly, that we serve in the new state according to the Spirit and not in a state of long according to the letter of the law (Romans 7: 6b). At the moment we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior then we become a new creation. The Holy Spirit inhabits our hearts and lead us through life. We are no longer controlled by the writing of the law, external but by internal control that is the Holy Spirit who encourages us to serve the Lord.

Inspiration: Freedom of the law is the solution to enjoy the infinite grace in Christ.

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