Psalm 63
Openness to God - We all yearn for the sweet relationship with other people, but fear that other people can not accept our existence makes us just to show only a part of ourselves. As a result, the relationship becomes shallow. A close and intimate relationship can only happen if there is openness and acceptance, including accepting mistakes without having to judge.
Our relationship with God, too. How many years have you become a child of God? How is your relationship with the Father? Is it an intimate relationship or minimally? As our relationships with others, as well as our relationship with God. We must be honest and open to God about who we are. Express to God your weaknesses, errors and sins that you struggle with, and ask for His help.
He is a loving God. The Psalmist said, "For thy loving kindness is better than life; my lips will praise you ". God accepts us as we are. He actually knew who we though we did not open. Openness to God is actually not for God, but for our own. John says "In love there is no fear: but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment, and those who are afraid, it is not perfect in love ". Grace and truth came exceed alive. Do not have fear. Fear destroys relationships. Honest to God and experience His love and grace.
An intimate relationship we can only experience in openness and acceptance, including in relation to God.
Moment of Inspiration.
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