Driving, Not Gadfly

"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works."

Hebrews 10: 19-25

Driving, Not Gadfly - Tim Lahaye in his book, The Transformed temperament, has sought written numerous differences in human temperament, including a Bible character. Salag only Peter, who often found like fickle. He was a person full of enthusiasm, very passionate and brave. But the rapidly changing and discouraged. Try to notice when Jesus died, he lost hope for him. But when he knew Jesus was resurrected, he moved on to rise again.

In Acts 2:14 what happened? Peter stood up and preached Christ with flames. Then how his attitude when confronted with the council (Acts 4)? He did not retreat. In fact he is sustained by the congregation to pray specifically (4: 23-31). Prayer support or encouragement is such a need in the ministry and fellowship. As humans, Peter and John could have become discouraged. But the communities that support each other, causing the high spirit. The writer of Hebrews observed that the Christian life requires an atmosphere of mutual care for one another (Hebrews 10: 24-25). Do not be like Job's wife whose heart is not synergy with her husband. He was not the driver but the gadfly who offend. Many problems in the family caused by heart attitude is not constructive.

In the words of the dictionary, means undermining the damage gradually. People who become gadfly in the service of the team, is a serious problem within the team itself. As high spirit and dedication of the team, but one just does not accord, then the service will be weak. The same also in a Christian home, one does not push, it all becomes lethargic. In a company that managed the Christians, to support each other both verbal and nonverbal, determine the success of the venture. Otherwise, the company could be closed, not because of money but the people. The question for us, where we are? Pusher or gadfly?

Inspiration: As strong as strong as a person, there are times when it is weak. He is in need of support and encouragement. Conversely, the weak, though, if he shall be strong driven.

Moment of Inspiration.

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