Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not for men. (Colossians 3:23)
Reading the Bible in a Year:
Leviticus 7-8
Whatever Your Job - In China there is a doctor for their faith in Christ was assigned to clean the toilet every day. He also juggle toilet it being the cleanest toilets in the city. When asked about the motives behind his actions, he said, "I always imagine that Jesus would pee in the toilet which I cleaned it. It would be sad if it is in a dirty toilet when he comes. "
Many people discriminate a job. No one called the spiritual work and secular work. Will be honored and fun when working on spiritual matters than jobs that are considered secular. Indeed, there are Christians who are called to particular ministries. As the Twelve are called to ministry of the Word and prayer, while the seven deacons are called to the task of distributing the food daily to the widows. There is also in favor of a job with their wealth and their money. But all the work was of equal importance.
As followers of Christ, let us not get caught up in the mistaken perception. We need to remember that any job and our status, that is where we are embodying faith. As it says in the scriptures today, "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not for men." When we do things with our eyes on Him, we are serving Him. Needless to distinguish between spiritual and secular work. -PRB
For believers all jobs of equal value, unless they are outside the will of God.
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