Human Fishers

Read: Mark 1: 16-20

Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Genesis 37-39

Human Fishers - "The world is beset by various crises such as; poverty, disease, war, illiteracy, corruption, etc. In the midst of the crisis facing the world, many Christians not present the problem solvers, but the cause of problems, "wrote Bill Bright.

"There is a striking difference between the first-century Christians with Christians today. The first-century Christians 'disrupt' the world with the Gospel message, but now many Christians become a secret agent with frozen mouth, "continued Bill.

While Rick Warren quipped, "Many Christians want heaven to stealth."

Calls to the disciples to follow Jesus is very clear, that become fishers of men. Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Call it responded well. In the end they become fishers of men effective. Even willing to suffer and die for that call. They no longer live as they pleased, but for the Lord. They do so not by fear of punishment, but because of love.

The same call was also addressed to me and you. Once we become believers, our main task is to become fishers of men. Do not worry because our responsibility is to follow Him and responsibilities he makes us fishers of men. Follow! -PRB
The most substantial work that can be done by Christians is to introduce Jesus Christ to others. - Bill Bright

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