Attitude Repentant

Read: Luke 19: 1-10

But Zacchaeus stood up and said to God, "Lord, behold, half of mine will give to the poor, and if I have cheated on someone will give back four times as much." (Luke 19: 8)

A year Bible reading:
Judges 6-7

Attitude Repentant - Fish swim freely, including when it should be against the current. Only dead fish that will be washed away. In swimming, the fish utilizing the best possible state of the water to move according to its purpose. He was not influenced and controlled by the flow of water; instead, he took advantage of the flow of water for his own use.

Roughly like a fish that our relationship with the current world when we repent. We are no longer controlled the flow of the world, we can be free to leave the bad habits and sinful lifestyles and shackles that bind us. We are enabled to live a new lifestyle.

Jesus has freed our sins and gave assurance of eternal life. Now we are given dominion over the world and enabled to influence against the desires of the flesh and bad habits. Look at Zacchaeus. He did not feel judged by those who say that he was a sinner and unworthy to receive Jesus in his house. And, it turns out the presence of Jesus radically change the attitude of Zacchaeus. He became a generous person (v. 8).

It is the fruit of repentance produced by Zacchaeus. What about us? Are we still hate each other, do not want to forgive, even prejudiced against other people, living in the past sins of impurity? Let us repent and bear fruit in our lives. Do not say we can not. The Holy Spirit is given within us will do the fruit of His Spirit in our lives. -SCN
Repentance is a change of mind that have an impact on changing attitudes and lifestyles.

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