Encounter with God

Reading: Luke 19: 1-10

He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus, who would pass that way. (Luke 19: 4)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Exodus 5-7

Encounter with God - Zacchaeus story is interesting. He climbed a sycamore tree just to see Jesus when Jesus entered the city of Jericho. With all its limitations (v. 3), Zacchaeus remained persistent to meet Jesus. There is a determination and a strong desire within Zacchaeus, a tax collector.

Tax collector, or in Greek "publicani", is the tax officials to collect taxes from the Jewish community to be submitted to the Roman government. At that time, the tax collector profession is deemed bad and even hated by the people. They are considered traitors nation. But Zacchaeus does not make the situation as a barrier to meet Jesus.

I tried to imagine how carefully Zaccheus was touched when Jesus says that he must stay at his house (v. 5). Not only that, the presence of Jesus in his home also bring a big change in his life (v. 8). He is to decide, "Lord, the half of mine will give to the poor, and if there is something I have cheated anyone I will give back four times as much."

And what about us? What often prevents us to meet Jesus? Are sickness, laziness, the struggle of life to another, or we do not feel worthy to come to God? Whatever the reason for us, let us learn to like Zacchaeus humble and does not see who he was, and had a great longing to meet the Lord. -Mia
Encounter with God changes us.

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