Salt was hidden

Read: Matthew 5: 13-16

You are the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:13)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Genesis 10-12

Salt was hidden - In addition to flavor food, common salt used to preserve food, preventing spoilage. Salt is the best alternative to banish germs and prevent infections due to insect bites. Salt can be used to extinguish the fire, also melt the frozen snow. Through Google, we can still find 14,000 more benefits of salt for human life.

Jesus likens us to salt, "You are the salt of the earth." As the salt that gives a lot of benefits, God wants us to bless the lives of many people. However, the nature of the salt is latent or hidden. Subtle, subtle, and moderation. Do not salt the flavor of food without ever becoming food itself? It means to be salt of the earth requires us to bless self-effacing, provide benefits without self-display. Does not seem superior, unpopular, even with no strings attached. You are not a superstar, but chosen by God to pave the way for a star. You remain hidden even though the contribution you brighten the world. You color the success of others without receiving a trophy or medal. You are the unknown heroes who liberate the lives of others.

Did you behind a grain of salt is hidden humility? Being the world's salt works properly, remain sincere and honest though cunning and narrowness rife in this country. Ready salting the people around you, including those who reject you? -ASA

Become salt of the earth means to bless others in humility.

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