A New Type Of Food

Reading: John 4:1-42
Jesus said to them, "my Food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:34)

Year: reading: Matthew 25-26

A New Type Of Food - Understand the words in the teaching of Jesus is indeed the easy-easily distress. There are times when we can so easily understand the words or his teaching, but on other occasions we will be scrunched up forehead only to understand one or two sentences that He would convey. One of these is present in the texts today.

To be able to understand the context of devotional today, we need to observe a few key verses (vv. 8, 31-34). When conversing with the Samaritan woman Jesus, the disciples were out of town. When they returned carrying food, they then requested that Jesus ate. "At me there is food that you don't know," he answered. The surprising answer so that the disciples thought Jesus gave to eat as long as they go (v. 33). Jesus then explains the types of "food" that he means, namely with regard to complete the job and do the will of the father. That day to the disciples, Jesus introduced a kind of "food" that had not yet they know.

Food related to a sense of satiety and satisfaction. If the words attributed to Jesus above, means a person who does the will of God can get the job done and feel full and satisfied though physically he hasn't been eating. If we never had this kind of "food"? If not, we can get it started as soon as possible. Learn to do his will and finish the job that He's being transferred to us. Do all because we love God. GHJ


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