Worship In The Valley

Read: Psalm 88

But I, O Lord, to You I cry out for help, and in the morning my prayer come before thee. (Psalm 88:14)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Hebrews 8-10

Psalm 88 was written by Heman, a wise (1 Kgs. 4:31) and serves as a singer in the service of King David (1 Chron. 15:19; 16: 41-42; 25: 1, 6). He, who had lived long enough bitterness, revealing his heart before God and ended his prayer with a poignant, "The contact-acquaintances are darkness." The end of his prayer is both a unique Psalm 88 other than the lament psalms. If the other lament psalm concludes with a sentence that contains expectations, overall Psalm 88 contains the lament.
Prayer Heman an example of how continue to worship God when we are in the valley of the shadow of death. Making friendship with God is not ashamed to share the burden of his life to Him. He reveals all the fatigue he felt to God. He raised his head to heaven and said, "God, here I am. How dark my life today. "

It was a relief when we come to Him with an attitude as it is. However, many of us are reluctant to make a complaint to God because it considers it less worthy. God wants us to approach Him not only when we're on top of the mountain but also when in the valley. He who never had the pleasure of living in the valley fills us with His Spirit and elevate our spiritual fatigue and replace them with his grace. "He does not despise ... He hears when people were screaming for help to Him" ​​(Ps. 22:25). -NW

In the valley of the shadow of death though, we need not tremble because of the light and help of God never faded.

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