Vessel That Contains

Read: John 15: 1-8

You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken unto you. (John 15: 3)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
John 9-10

"Brother, I feel unworthy to come to God each time sin. That's what makes me lazy to read the Bible, pray, and to the church. How could I repent if every sin makes me feel even more unworthy to ask for forgiveness? "The question is often asked by those who are my disciple. I myself never asked like that. Perhaps you too.

That pattern of sin. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, they feel ashamed and hide from God. Instead compelled to repent, they even become afraid to draw near to God (Genesis 3: 1-10).

We may feel taken for granted by God as much as we pollute the temple of His Holy Spirit. We feel unfit to worship and serve Him. There is even a word to the wise: "God will use the vessel cracked, ugly, or a small, but God will never wear dirty vessel."

It could be true. The problem is, the attitude away after sin is not even going to clean the vessel. Judas prove it. He was away from Jesus after his betrayal. Judas eventually die. Unlike the case with Peter. He regretted his treachery, would again come to Jesus, and to experience the cleansing by His word. Peter's life was transformed.

That's the key. Only Jesus can change our lives. We just need to come closer to Him, instead of away, when sin gripped our lives. Let the word of truth His wash and restore us day by hari.-ANF

Jesus is the living water that cleanses the vessel of our life; No vessel is too dirty to be cleaned by Him

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