God Determining Human Duties

"On a day when they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said:" Barnabas and Saul for me for the work I have called them. "

Acts 12:24 to 13:12

God Determining Human Duties - When God created man, He has a purpose for us. And one of the purposes of God creating man is for a mission. Being a Christian is sent into the world as a representative of Christ. God wants to redeem human beings from Satan and reconcile them to Himself so that we can fulfill God's purposes are: Love Him, a member of his family, be like Him, serve Him, and to tell others about Jesus Christ. He saves us and then sends us.

This is what God gave the early church, as God sent Barnabas and Paul. They are called to proclaim the Gospel, to bring people to a saving relationship. The purpose of their assignment is to lead people to Christ (16:31; 20:21). However, the main task of preaching must also include acts of love and mercy of a personal nature to those in need (cp. Gal. 2:10). In this way, all who are called to testify of the gospel will be modeled on the ministry of Jesus (cf., Lk. 9: 2). Willing to risk their lives in the name of Jesus. An arduous task but when God has set it for us, He will equip us.

Make disciples of all nations the Lord is a very important mandate given by the Lord Jesus for all the churches (churches) of God. But unfortunately many of God's church is no longer the focus of this mandate. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have to continue what has been begun by Jesus. Our mission is so important that Jesus repeated it five times, in five different ways in the Bible. As if He said, "I really want you to accept this mission." (Matt. 28: 16-20; by. Rick Warren)

Inspiration: God has determined we believe to be responsible for people who do not believe. This mission is our duty. Jesus has guaranteed our safety.

Moment of Inspiration.

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