I Thessalonians 5: 12-21
Say Thanks - Thanksgiving associated with the prayer. We will always be grateful associated with everything that we ask. We would be grateful for family, work, health, protection, forgiveness and others as the answer to what we pray to the Lord. We need to be grateful even when God does not answer our prayers or when the Lord's answer does not fit with what we pray for.
A Christian politicians praying for his candidacy as regent of a district. He was very confident that God will grant his prayer to become regent because he was the son of the area that was carried by major political parties. But the result is different. He failed to become a regent. Some time later he ran for governor and succeeded. Responding to this success he said, "the Lord Jesus who chose me to be governor." From this story we learn that, despite failing to get what they pray, we must give thanks because we can not understand God's plan for us.
My friend told me about some interruptions are made behind the aircraft and have to wait long for the next plane. Yet he was grateful that he was supposed plane crashed, so he was spared from a plane crash. Surely, as a human being he could have been disappointed with all the interruptions that disrupt the smooth road or disappointed to miss the plane. You may also be disappointed when you are in a situation which is not in accordance with the desire of your heart. If so, we need to learn to be grateful because not only when we desire answered by God but every situation he wills we must give thanks.
Moment of Inspiration.
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