Life And Time

Read: James 4: 13-17

You do not know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? It is even a vapor that briefly appear and then disappear. (James 4:14)

A year Bible reading:
Deuteronomy 5-7

Life And Time - No teaching of the philosophy of ancient India about the time and karma: "Bird life eat ants, but when a bird dies, the ants eat. Everything can change at any time. In this life, we should not degrade and injure others. Today maybe you are so mighty, but remember that time is more powerful than you! the tree trunk can be used as millions matchstick, but it takes only one matchstick to burn and burn millions of trees. "

James teaches that life is ephemeral, things can change like steam (v. 14). Today we are there, healthy, wealthy, powerful, full business plan is expected to grow at remarkable. But who can be sure what will happen with his life tomorrow? No one has a plan for the future, not one of life full of optimism and passionate. But, life is so frail, life is not ours. We need to manage it by seeking His will that this mortal life meaningful (v. 15). Either for themselves, for family, neighbor, and especially for God the Own Life.

Respect life-one we live, then die. Do not just chasing ephemeral. Appreciate family, coworkers, friends care, and others, especially the Lord Jesus, the Redeemer of Life. Once we are saved, prioritizing the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Only He could break the law of karma. Replace mortal to eternal life. -SST
In this mortal life, let's invest live for eternity.

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