But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for in weakness my power is made perfect." Therefore, I am pleased rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12: 9)
A year Bible reading:
Deuteronomy 14-16
Grace For The Believers - I've been in situations and conditions that feels uncertain. If depicted might be like in a storm. Everything looks clear and completely confusing. At such times I received a lot of advice that led me to "believe in God", "quiet as the storm because there were accompanying him." Even if I know it's all good advice, but I felt powerless to believe in Him. I tried to believe, strengthen the determination, and trust only to fail again and again.
If you have experienced similar conditions, you definitely know it. No matter how hard you are to have faith in Him, situations like tossed you again and again that it is difficult to "stand firm in Him." You know what to do, but there is no power to do so.
So what to do at a time like that? My answer may sound crazy, but this is true. Berserahlah. Stop trying to have faith or trust in Him. Instead, admit your incompetence, cried ask his grace to enable you to trust Him. Let the Lord worked in our weakness. That's the best thing we can do when a storm hit and we did not know what to do. Sometimes the best way out we are not trying harder, but stop trying and let His grace strengthens us from within. -dP
Sometimes the best solution is not sought, but surrender.
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