May he give justice to the oppressed people of the nation, helping the poor, but crush-squeezer squeezer! (Psalm 72: 4)
A year Bible reading:
Deuteronomy 3-4
Prayer for Leaders - Not easy to lead the nation to a large and diverse as Indonesia. Therefore, we need to support the government and work program. However, we also need to be critical. Critical so that justice, truth, prosperity, and prosperity for all people can be realized.
This Psalm contains a prayer of Solomon, a great king. Prayer honest and hopeful against him to govern wisely, good, and true. Hope that in ruling he could bring justice to the oppressed, and peace for all people. The expectation that the welfare of the political, economic, and justice can be revealed to all the people. Hope to enforce the law and justice to those who are unjust and likes to squeeze a fellow nation. Hope to be in command, he can always show partiality to those who are weak, poor, oppressed, and had no helper. Only by acting thus, his power to bring prosperity for the people.
Similarly, our expectations for the government of this nation. Burdens and responsibilities they are big and heavy. Our prayer would strengthen them to try their best in pursuing a just society, prosperous, and prosper. The critical attitude we would remind and inspire them to keep running the program that welfare of the people and not to deviate from the spirit of fairness, justice, and truth. -AAS
Critical of the government was necessary. Pray for them that govern justly and wisely is also important.
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