Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, who leads us in our faith and our faith was brought to perfection. (Hebrews 12: 2)
Reading the Bible in a Year:
Exodus 14-16
Serving Destination - Have you ever felt your ministry in the church diminishing or slump? Usually you get involved in a service every week, but already a few months you never even scheduled in the service of anything. However, you just keep silent and even feel lucky your name is not listed as an officer in the church worship services.
Perhaps you feel assemblies stewardship assume you do not deserve to be involved in certain services? Or, you complain because your name is listed only as a reception clerk?
I've never tasted one. However, when reading back a note sermon I ever wrote a few years ago, I was reprimanded. There are listed: How do we care not to degenerate?
There are at least two steps. First, to whom we serve (v. 2)? No small or large service before God. Everything we do for God, precious in His eyes. Second, get rid of the view that one of the brothers and sisters and we are just fixing your gaze on the Lord Jesus. Paragraph 3 emphasizes that we should remember the sacrifice of Jesus, so that we do not become weak and desperate.
I was again contemplating. What is the purpose I serve? I served for yourself, the church, or to God? It helps me to address services with duly. -Mia
Any services entrusted to us, do it for the Lord with all our hearts.
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