Party Clothes

Read: Matthew 22: 1-14

He said to him: O Brother, how did you get in here without wearing party clothes? (Matthew 22:12)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Leviticus 1-3

There are tips people selling body slimming program. The girl who would marry into the target market. For the girls on TV shows that are already available wedding dress charming beautiful dream, but they are much slimmer than their bodies. Then, they must undergo a diet and exercise program, so that they can wear comfortably and confidently. The result? The girls looked radiant glow to wear on their happy day.

Marriage Supper parable speaks of the gift of God who calls all people to receive salvation. Anyone is invited to it (v. 9). Did not feel awkward, if there are people who do not wear the wedding garment is rejected? Clear the streets not wearing party clothes. However, different from the girls brides who must make their own wedding clothes, party clothes already provided a host to guests (cf. Rev. 19: 8). If he still does not wear it, the party was not for him (v. 13). Apparel illustrates the truth that God has for believers.

Salvation of God is an invitation for everyone. Like a party, that salvation has been provided. We need not try. But, we need to wear "clothes party" -we need to learn to wear a deed of truth so that our lives and deserve aligned in accordance with our identity as the bride of Christ (cf., Rev. 19: 8; Col. 3: 8-10). Are you ready we wear? -Pad
Salvation is God's gift. Life as a saved person is our responsibility.

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