Expectations Were Suspended

Read: Genesis 40: 1-23

But, remember me, when are you have a good future, show your thanks to me by telling me to Pharaoh happenings and help me out of this house. (Genesis 40:14)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Rome 11-13

Expectations Were Suspended - When we were allowed of God to experience delays in achieving what we expect, that is where God is testing our hope. To whom do we expect? God or man? The story of Joseph in prison shows an example of the suspension of these expectations.

It seems Joseph was not happy with the prison or the suffering he experienced. When he helped interpret the king's cupbearer's dream, the hope of freedom appear in his heart. Had crossed her mind that perhaps through cupbearer he would get freedom. He also very much hope it will help him cupbearer (vv. 14, 15). But God had other plans. God does not want Joseph wished to humans. Butler was even forgotten Joseph (v. 23)! Through suspension, God trained Joseph so he just put that hope in the Lord, and not to man.

Is not often we lack patience when waiting for the answer of God and our hope began to shift? We began to look forward to those around us, which we think is capable of providing answers to our prayers struggle. God clearly does not want his people shifted their hopes to man and his heart away from Him (Jer. 17: 5). Therefore, if God postpone or suspend prayers and our expectations, it was done Him so that we learn just looking forward to help him. The best answer we would find when we remain in the plan and His time. -SYS
Suspension occurs so that we learn to expect only to God.

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