God With Us

Read: Joshua 1: 1-9

As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not let you. (Joshua 1: 5)

A year Bible reading:
Deuteronomy 17-20

God With Us - After the death of Moses, Joshua faced the biggest challenge of his life. Although God has long chosen to bear the major responsibility replaces Moses, he was overshadowed by fear and anxiety. Joshua saw clearly how the Israelites mourned Moses for 30 days. Does not this show how much they have lost a great leader? Joshua worry later he was unable to carry out his duties Moses who led them over the years.

Joshua is a reasonable fear. Most people who acquire new tasks and trust that will be experienced. Especially if he replaces the predecessor who was so respected and accomplished great. But God we understand any issues and concerns experienced by the people of his choice. He never give responsibility to someone without providing a source of strength, a source of help and instructions for performing the duties and responsibilities.

And this same God is with us! Is the shadows of fear and failure issue in our minds today? If we experience it, trusting that God understands our weaknesses. Let's proceed with any concerns we have in Him, God, the source of strength and comfort that will accompany our lives. Do every mission with all your heart and faithful, still ask for the inclusion of God in all our duties. -SYS

If God entrusts the task to someone, He gives strength.

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