Writing is Prohibited

Read: 1 Timothy 4: 1-16

Do not anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example ... (1 Timothy 4:12)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Revelation 14-16

Writing is Prohibited - His brother, James, a newspaper printer. At age 15, she helped her brother. After several days of work, he expressed his intention to write an article in the newspaper. James was shocked and forbid it. No deterrent or backward, he secretly wrote and sent his work to address his brother by using a pseudonym. Because the issue is deemed feasible, the articles were printed and invited a lot of positive reactions. Who is she? He was Benjamin Franklin who would become a scientist, inventor, statesman, and a great writer in his day.

Paul saw potential in the young Timothy and participate hone. Until the time when he was entrusting to him the task of shepherding the congregation. Affirmation it is done before the church through the "laying on of hands hearing elders" (v. 14). On the other hand, he always encouraged Timothy to persevere in learning and teaching, keep yourself, and be an example (v. 12, 13, 16). What for? That he is advancing and is not to be underestimated just because he is young (vv. 12, 15).

Not many people like Paul. More that resembles James Franklin. You do not look the potential. You diligently observed deficiencies. Instead pushed forward, you actually inhibited. Your spirit belittled and undermined. No problem. Do not take offense, let alone angry. Divert concentration in order to explore the potential. Continues to struggle to produce positive works. God sees your potential and He wants you to go forward. So, why deterrent and backward? Let's go forward! -Pad
The best defense is proving itself through development potential.

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