Leaders must Hearing

Leaders must Hearing - "I have sinned, because had I step over command of the LORD and your words; but I'm afraid of people, so I gave them permission. "

1 Samuel 15: 20-26

Saul was the first king of Israel. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel (10: 1). Renewal post held at Gilgal (v. 11:14). During the reign of 40 years, Saul never let the Israelites leave the Lord and worship of Baal. The prophet Samuel warned them to repent and worship to God. (V 12: 14-20).

When facing the Philistine army, he was replaced Samuel to make burnt offerings and peace offerings (13: 9-10). Samuel rebuked Saul action: "what you did was stupid, you do not follow the commandments of the LORD your God, which he commanded thee. Originally the Lord strengthen your kingdom over Israel forever, but now your kingdom will not remain. "

Saul repeated erroneous action, Samuel ordered quell all the Amalekites and their possessions (15: 3), but Saul did not carry it out. He prefers to hear the proposals of the people of the prophet Samuel (15: 9), by reason of the best bulls Amalek will be offered to the Lord in Gilgal. Samuel said to him: "What is pleasing to the Lord burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Truly listening is better than sacrifices, attention is better than the fat of rams. "

Saul mistakes, a lesson for us, so do not underestimate the advice of the Lord's anointed. Often we feel justified in taking decisions and acting as "spiritual." In fact, such actions violate the order and will of God. Therefore, should we open ourselves to the advice of those who fear God and keep the holiness of his life, because it can prevent the actions of the things that are wrong.

Inspiration: Listen to and obey the voice of the Lord, it is important in the lead. Noting the Lord's commands better than sacrifice.

Moment of Inspiration.

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