But if I had to live in this world, that means fruitful labor for me. (Philippians 1:22)
Reading the Bible in a Year:
Titus 1-Philemon 1
What's Meaning of Your Life? - Some people are afraid to grow old. Others do not want to die young. Which one is true? It being old is not something scary. Vice versa, die young does not have to be regarded as a curse. So? We can learn from Paul's attitude.
In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul expressed his struggle in prison with the possibility of death or released. He did have the belief that "to live is Christ and to die is gain" (v. 21). But, if he could choose, which one would he choose? "I am in urgent of the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ-it is very much better; but more needs to live in this world because of you "(v. 23-24). The important thing, "if I have to live in this world, that means fruitful labor for me" (v. 22).
Abraham Lincoln said, "In the end, not the number of years of life that count, but the life in the years of our lives." As Richard Brinsley Sheridan said, "The value of life should be measured with a line that is more noble, the work and not the age." So, we are invited to fill our lives with God's goodness. Then this life, whether either short length, will be significantly positive. Die young do not need regrettable; on the contrary, become elderly do not have to worry about. That need to be regrettable and worrying is that our lives do not bear fruit for the kingdom of God.-HPG
Whenever we die, make sure that we are already bearing fruit for God.
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