He Knew Me

Read: Psalm 139: 1-16

Your eyes saw me when I was a child, and in thy book all written the days that will be formed, before one of them. (Psalm 139: 16)

A year Bible reading:
Joshua 9-10

He Knew Me - Ultrasound is a technologically advanced tool that allows us to see the fetus in the womb. Various information we need about the growth of the fetus can be seen: hear the heartbeat, measure the circumference of the head or the body, measure the length of bone, determine gender and so on. As a result, the state of the baby once the mystery can now be seen through a special monitor screen.

God's eye is sharper and more accurate than any sophisticated ultrasound. God even look at meeting the father's sperm cells and egg cells mother long before ultrasound is capable of detecting the presence of an embryo. He was not only able to see the shape and form of a man in the womb, but also knowing with certainty throughout the life of every person. Therefore, no one who really knows us except God. He knows exactly what we are doing, we have experienced, and we felt since before he was born until close eye later. The consequence of this understanding are at least two. First, we can not run and hide from his presence (vv. 7-12). Secondly, we have peace of mind, do not worry he will misunderstand our situation (vv. 2-4).

Because God knows us with truth, we do not need to shake because of the attitude of others who misunderstand, harassing, or defamatory nasty things to us. Instead, we can leave everything to God almighty investigate.
That the closest people can misunderstand us, but God never.

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