Her love Tested

Proverbs 31

"He is doing good to her husband and not evil all his days. "(Proverbs 31:12)

Her love Tested - Fifteen years have we built a family, we've been through ups and downs together. Every moment there are new things to help God teaches us to rely on Him. Various dynamics of life add to the beauty of our love bond that continues to grow. Sometimes there are pebbles sharp pierced but God always sustain and further strengthen our love relationship. In Proverbs we are reminded of the need to establish:

Growing spiritual life (verses 10-12). "... She is more precious than rubies." Precious wife before God and vice versa. There is only one way for the wife and the husband becomes valuable, that each should have a personal relationship with God. Spiritual growth help him enjoy intimate fellowship with God and with each other.

Commitment (paragraph 11). "The heart of her husband believe him ..." Marriage is a commitment, one of which is a commitment to trust God-given life partner. Feeling we sometimes unstable but the commitment must grow. May not be as romantic as early marriage, but the commitment to maintain love in sacred marriage must be built continuously.

Healthy communication (paragraph 12). "He is doing good to her husband, ..." harmonious communication is the way to do good in our spouse. Communication narrow fatal. Misunderstandings should be resolved by means of God completely. Good communication can nourish love, romance strengthen, dismissed doubts, destroy suspicion, and strengthen domestic buildings.

Housekeeping is very precious in God's eyes. He will continue to bless our homes as long as we are always dependent on Him.

Motivation: Let us preserve the integrity of God's household with priority in all aspects of life.

Moment of Inspiration.

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