
Genesis 24: 1-21

"Then he said," Lord, God of my master Abraham, make presumably achieved my goal today, show me your unfailing love to my master Abraham "(Genesis 24: 12).

Matchmaking - Two lovebirds met in an event of worship in the church, they know each other and begin to understand one another. A few years later they were increasingly confident that they have met the Lord, then they are united in holy marriage.

This time we will learn from the examples of Abraham in helping her to find a mate through Eleazar servants. There are several requirements that must be adhered to:

Not the girl Canaan (verse 3). God did not want Abraham and his descendants married marry with the Canaanites who do not know God. Expected in-law is a girl who knows the Lord from their ancestral lands.

Does not violate the plan of God (verses 6-8). He did not allow Isaac back to the land of their ancestors because God had commanded them to go out of Ur of the Chaldeans to Canaan.

Pious clear criteria (verses 12-14). Eleazar begged God according to the message of Abraham, he asked for a sign visually / spiritual awareness of God to find a prospective wife for Isaac. It is not an indication of lack of faith. The current context of the Old Testament has not been arranged so that the introduction of a very limited Eleazar actually makes hope fully on God. When a girl approached him, patiently all his actions be considered whether it is appropriate to prayer or not. Eleazar test everything patiently. God granted all his prayers with the corresponding response of Rebekah kind.

From the above story, let us learn the important principles in the matchmaking of our children, namely: our children dating surely God's children, physical appearance pious should be tested first, it takes patience and total submission to wait for God's time. As parents, let us pray continuously and help our children to always walk in the design of the Father.

Motivation: God always helps us and He has prepared a mate is best for our children.

Moment of Inspiration.

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