Jesus said to them, "Children, do you have any fish?" They answered, "No." (John 21: 5)
A year Bible reading:
Deuteronomy 28
Friendly Greetings - In the martial arts films often heard invective, "Basic human useless!" As a child, I often abused like that, "Basic child-poh pah!" (Meaning roughly whacky children). Swearing indicates negative judgment towards others. It could also be ejected because people feel let down by someone expected.
Compare this with the attitude of Jesus when seeing the disciples on the shore of Tiberias after his resurrection. Who are the disciples? They are followers of Jesus, scattered leaves Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Even Peter openly deny him three times in the foyer of the high priest when Jesus was tried. It seemed natural that Jesus greeted them with invective, "Hi, folks useless!" or "Hey, losers!" or "Hey, coward!" Not a greeting like that which came out of his mouth. He greeted them with a friendly, "Hi, kids!"
The Lord Jesus did not use the occasion to rebuke and scold them. Conversely, with the words, He showed that He forgives and accepts them. He raised their spirits and recover them.
What about our talk? When someone disappoints us, we may be compelled to respond with invective. However, we can also follow the path of Jesus: still greet him with a friendly, forgiving, and accept it. We refuse to destroy the spirit and demeaning others, but rather endow them with a kind word. -HPG
Scathing invective discouraging; friendly greeting uplifting.
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