John 13: 1-17
Secret Services - Many people discuss neighbor success parameter service. Some argue that many important converts, some are of the opinion that the motivation essential services should be pleased, although not too visible results. Actually two opinions were equally there is truth. That one sees from the result and others emphasize the process.
Let us learn from the example of Jesus in serving the world. There are two lessons we can take:
Motivation ministry of Jesus was driven by His love to people who are bound to sin. (John 13: 1; Matthew 9:36) If we truly love the people we serve / lead then everything will we give any price. The question that we need to think whether we are sincerely love the people we serve or in fact we are utilizing the person we serve for our benefit? (1 Cor 13: 1-3)
The Lord Jesus is driven by his great love, he tried to transform / lead people to follow him to serve the Lord agenda not follow the agenda of those who served. Serving means lead / transform people we serve, from the earthly mindset to the mindset of the heavenly (Transform Life).
Let us consider how God was willing to humble himself and washed the feet of Peter as an expression of His love in the service, but in the view of Peter ought not to be done by the Messiah (servant / leader). Peter still use earthly mindset, therefore God seeks to transform the mindset of worldly Peter to the heavenly mindset (Yoh13: 3-16). The question that we need to think: if the people we serve really experiencing life changes more and more like Christ. In verse 17 Jesus emphasizes the secret services back this cause happiness.
Motivation: The Secret of the actual services is to love and to transform the lives of others.
Moment of Inspiration.
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