Hearing or in Violation of Orders?

"And if you obey all that I command thee, and live in my ways and do what is right in my sight, to keep my statutes and my commandments ... I will be with you"

I Kings 12: 25-33

Hearing or in Violation of Orders? - At first, Jeroboam had skills as a leader (11:28). God chose through the prophet Ahijah to lead the 10 tribes of Israel because of the sins of Solomon and Rehoboam (11:29). God gives tremendous promise. If he obeyed like David, God will bless it as David also! (11:38). What lack? However, in chapter 12 is the first king of Israel is ruled by:

Hearts were analyzed without prayer (12: 25-27), the result is rebellion in God
Create new gods (v 28)
The new worship system (vs. 29- 31)
The feast of the new (v 32), and
Lifting himself as a priest (verse 33).
Due to personal sin and all the tricks gold throughout Israel / northern kingdom of sin and to be a model for hundreds of years his sins every king of Israel. From Jeroboam (930 BC) to the king of Israel to 20 which Hosea (722 BC) destroyed the Assyrian, during the 208 years of the sins of Jeroboam continued to be called (cf. 2 Kings 17:22). An era that is long and terrible apostasy of personal competent and given the tremendous promise of God, but rebellious.

In leadership, to any level of competence great natural, without a competency based spiritual / biblical adequate inevitably produce poor leadership character even destructive. Every era and the organization has always experienced changes in leadership are demanding the right qualifications. Level wherever we lead, we have the capacity, the inclusion of God's promise, and demands to inherit eternal things. What will we inherit in addition to the quality of life and the true knowledge of God? Let us continue to invoke and committed leadership of the Holy Spirit so that our short lives become more valuable with the legacy we leave behind.

Inspiration: The promise of God's care will apply to those who actually carry out his command.

Moment of Inspiration.

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