II Kings 4: 1-7
True Exit - Everyone will encounter problems, either natural or due to a sin / error. But the difference is the principle and practice of settlement of the problem. This nameless widow prophet used by God give a true benchmark example in dealing with problems, especially economic problems everyday. This widow provides a good example as follows:
1. Come to the source of solution / help right (verse 1). He came to Elisha, the prophet's head. His heart that the fear of God led the people to be trusted.
2. Believe in yourself and any potential that still exist to address the problem (verse 2). Although the olive oil stayed had he still saw it as a capital.
3. Believing in the principle of the fulfillment of God (vv 3-4), and comply with the method of God (vv 5-6). He did not protest and do not be shy about asking the empty vessels.
4. Build a good team / one heart if needed (verse 7). He involves his son during the process of the miracle of God, so that his spirituality was awakened.
And the difficulties of life there is always a change, but the principles of our dependence on God should not be changed. Sometimes we trust the people, money, position, relationships, and even debt to solve our problems. If difficulties arise due to our fault, repentance is the first step. But as far as we are living right, solving the difficulties it definitely brings a positive impact. We will increasingly understand the will and ways of God, so that we grow spiritually. Conversely, if the solution that makes us prosperous and farther away from God, create new problems and burdens, it must be solving the wrong. Whatever the origin of the early start and the subsequent process of trusting God, the result is definitely the best.
Inspiration: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord (Jeremiah 17: 7-8)
Moment of Inspiration.
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