Treasure in Heaven

Treasure in Heaven - "But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven; in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. "

Matthew 6: 19-24

Jesus taught us to lay up treasure in heaven. Treasures in heaven can be collected by way of giving to God's work and, more important is to do what He wants us to do in obedience. We are taught to collect treasures in heaven for two reasons namely: First, that the nature of the eternal treasures in heaven while the transitory nature treasures on earth. No moths, rust and thieves can damage the treasure in heaven. Therefore as long as we are alive, it is wise to collect treasures and send it in advance to heaven. The second reason is that our minds and hearts will be fixed to the place where we gather treasure for where your treasure is there will your heart be.

Collect treasures in heaven, help us have a heavenly vision. Our eyes will be fixed on heaven, and in turn the desire and personal interests also turned to heaven. If this heavenly vision becomes blurred or dark then our personal desires and interests also went dark.

One that makes our eyes dark is money. Love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim.6: 10). Therefore we must be careful of the money. Most Christian leaders fall into this matter. And Jesus taught us to just love, heed and to serve the Lord and not for money.

Inspiration: Are the eyes, hearts and minds of brother more drawn to God or to the worldly possessions and money?

Moment of Inspiration.

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