But the foolish things of the world, God chose to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27)
A year Bible reading:
Leviticus 19-21
Emptying Glasses - Bob Sadino, Indonesian entrepreneurs engaged in food and livestock as well as the owner of the business networks Kemfood and Kemchicks, while living known as infectious "stupid science for success". He said, "Every meet new people, I always clear the 'glass' me first." Why? Therefore, the "stupid" one, the more knowledge gained. This attitude has a point: we need to humble ourselves to learn that our understanding is expanded.
In the church at Corinth, some people do not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead because they were holding on science. In addition, there is also a belief that Jews do not believe that the Messiah would die. They thought that the Messiah was tough and invincible. Not surprisingly, this group looked at the cross as a folly. This happens because they do not want to "empty the glass" and insisted with their own views. They do not want to try to understand God's perspective, and difficult to accept a different view.
Similarly, if we want to learn. It would be nice if we "empty the cup" first and ready to listen more humbly. With the wisdom of God, then we will be able to receive truths which may differ from our own minds. We also do not consider themselves completely true, but is willing corrected. This would be a way for us to grow-both physically and spiritually. -AW
People who are open to learn, willing to open our hearts and ears to hear.
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