Only Dust

Read: Genesis 2: 1-7

When the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2: 7)

A year Bible reading:
Leviticus 24-25

Only Dust - When someone dies, many people are talking about hope vanished, vanished ideals, as well as a variety of regret for not doing many things against the dead man. Previously, many people apply as if they would live forever. Sudden death stop them. Death is also aware of the people who left that life is very short, and the man was actually powerless.

In the church calendar, today is Ash Wednesday, which is 40 days before Easter to the resurrection of Christ from the dead. In many church tradition, this day is celebrated by fasting and prayer in particular, as a sign of mourning, repentance, and humble themselves towards the victory of his resurrection. Ash derived from burning palm leaves from the previous year applied to the forehead of the church in the service of Ash Wednesday, saying, "Remember that you are dust, and you will return to dust." The congregation invited to appreciate the enormity of God's love shown through miserable borne Christ to save mankind. As for the resurrection declare the glory of salvation.

Does a precious dust? Do dust weighing 70 kg worth? Remember that you are just a speck in the presence of God, the mercy, and crowned with glory. Do your best to God and one another, as if today was your last day of life on this earth. -HT
God crowned with glory and honor dust, but the dust that often contaminate holiness his creator.

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